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Book Reviews

Over 70 book reviews. Starting in 2010, they are:


Leah Chang, Into Print: The Production of Female Authorship in Early Modern France, Renaissance Quarterly 63.1 (2010): 280-82.

Helisenne de Crenne, Les épîtres invectives et familières; le Songe, ed. J.-Ph. Beaulieu, Sixteenth-Century Studies Journal 41.3 (2010): 932-33.

Charlotte Duplessis-Mornay, Les Mémoires de Madame de Mornay, ed. N. Kuperty-Tsur, Renaissance Quarterly, 63.4 (2010): 1320-22.


Natalie Freidel, La conquête de l’intime. Public et privé dans la Correspondance de Madame de Sévigné, in The French Review, 85.6 (2012) : 1170-71.

Cynthia Brown, The Queen’s Library: Image-Making at the Court of Anne of Brittany, 1477-1514, in Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal 7 (2012): 326-28.


Geneviève Clermidy-Patard, Madame de Murat et la “defense des dames”: un discours au féminin à la fin du règne de Louis XIV, in The French Review 87.4 (2014): 209-10.

Christine Mongenot and M.-E. Plagnol-Diéval, eds., Madame de Maintenon: une femme de lettres, in The French Review, 88. 2 (2014): 277-78.

Scévole de Sainte-Marthe, Œuvres Complètes, ed. Jean Brunel, in Sixteenth-Century Journal 45.1 (2014): 201-02.


Faith Beasley, ed. Teaching Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers, in H-France Review (electronic review), 15 (January 2015), no. 6.


Marian Rothstein, The Androgyne in Early Modern Europe: Contextualizing the Power of Gender, in Sixteenth Century Journal, 47 (2016): 492-94.


Àngeles Sirvent Ramos, et al., eds., Femmes auteurs du dix-huitième siècle. Nouvelles approches critiques, in The French Review, 91.3 (2018): 212-13.

Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France: Three Women’s Stories, ed. Colette Winn, in Early Modern Women, 12.2 (Spring 2018): 280-82.

Martine van Elk, Early Modern Women’s Writing: Domesticity, Privacy, and the Public Sphere in England and the Dutch Republic, in Journal of British Studies, 57.2 (2018): 395-97.

Henriette de Coligny, comtesse de La Suze, Élégies, chansons et autres poésies. Ed. Mariette Cuénin-Lieber, in Renaissance Quarterly 71.4 (2018): 1572-3.

Louise Bourgeois, Midwife to the Queen of France: Diverse Observations. Trans. Stephanie O’Hara. Ed. Alison Klairmont Lingo, in Early Modern Women, 13.1 (2018): 209-12.


Mercè Boixareu, et al., eds., Figures féminines de l’histoire occidentale dans la littérature française, in The French Review, 92. 1 (2019): 260-61.

Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan and Jean-Claude Marie Vigueur, eds., Décapitées. Trois femmes dans l’Italie de la Renaissance, in Renaissance Quarterly, 72.3 (2019): 1057-59.

Siobhán Mcllvanney, Figurations of the Feminine in the Early French Women’s Press, 1758-1848, in French History 33.3 (2019): 477-78.


Marie-Geneviève-Charlotte Thiroux d’Arconville, Selected Philosophical, Scientific, and Autobiographical Writings, in Early Modern Women, Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal 14.2 (2020): 161-64.

Book Reviews: List
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